
Time to fire up the barbecue!

What a beautiful day in the sunny southwest of France!  Cool, misty morning, then sunny with clear skies, low humidity and not a cloud in the sky.  What else is there to do but to fire up the Weber kettle?  Locally, zuchini has been coming on strong for a few weeks, eggplants and peppers have […]

Time to fire up the barbecue! Read More »

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What a beautiful day in the sunny southwest of France!  Cool, misty morning, then sunny with clear skies, low humidity and not a cloud in the sky.  What else is there to do but to fire up the Weber kettle?  Locally, zuchini has been coming on strong for a few weeks, eggplants and peppers have

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Trout from the Pyrenees with favas, baby artichokes and nettle pistou

Here is one idea of how to serve nettle pistou. These favas where so young and tender, I didn’t bother to peel them.

Trout from the Pyrenees with favas, baby artichokes and nettle pistou Read More »

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Here is one idea of how to serve nettle pistou. These favas where so young and tender, I didn’t bother to peel them.

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Wild black pepper from Madagascar

On a recent trip to our local coffee roaster, La Brûlerie du Béarn, I discovered a new spice that has since become a bit of a fetish for me. It’s wild black pepper from Madagascar, and if you are saying “yeah, black pepper, whatever”, I assure you that this wild black pepper has nothing to

Wild black pepper from Madagascar Read More »

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On a recent trip to our local coffee roaster, La Brûlerie du Béarn, I discovered a new spice that has since become a bit of a fetish for me. It’s wild black pepper from Madagascar, and if you are saying “yeah, black pepper, whatever”, I assure you that this wild black pepper has nothing to

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Spring onions, calçots and Mas Costa

Spring onions, which we planted last fall from seed, are up and beautiful this April.  Along with nettles, bear’s garlic, asparagus and strawberries, early spring onions are, for me, an ingredient that fairly sings of spring.  Toss them in salads, sprinkle them on soups, over cold asparagus and grilled fish, fold them into mashed potatoes,

Spring onions, calçots and Mas Costa Read More »

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Spring onions, which we planted last fall from seed, are up and beautiful this April.  Along with nettles, bear’s garlic, asparagus and strawberries, early spring onions are, for me, an ingredient that fairly sings of spring.  Toss them in salads, sprinkle them on soups, over cold asparagus and grilled fish, fold them into mashed potatoes,

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Thanks for asking, Bethany!

Bethany Jean Clement, who writes for the Seattle Times and whom I count as a friend, was recently in touch with a question about a recipe for asparagus we used to cook at Le Pichet and Cafe Presse.  She was also kind enough to inquire about our new life here in France and has now

Thanks for asking, Bethany! Read More »

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Bethany Jean Clement, who writes for the Seattle Times and whom I count as a friend, was recently in touch with a question about a recipe for asparagus we used to cook at Le Pichet and Cafe Presse.  She was also kind enough to inquire about our new life here in France and has now

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Après marché

After doing our shopping at the Tuesday farmer’s market, we often stop for an apéro at our favorite bar, Lamerain, popularly referred to as “Chez Lamiche”, not sure why but I assume that it has something to do with the nick-name of the current owner’s father?  Lamerain is a bar/tabac, so I often pick up

Après marché Read More »

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After doing our shopping at the Tuesday farmer’s market, we often stop for an apéro at our favorite bar, Lamerain, popularly referred to as “Chez Lamiche”, not sure why but I assume that it has something to do with the nick-name of the current owner’s father?  Lamerain is a bar/tabac, so I often pick up

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Brandade for lunch

Brandade de morue was one of the all-time favorite dishes at Le Pichet and Cafe Presse. Whenever it was not on the menu, guests would be asking when it was coming back.  Our local fish shop, Poissonerie Otano, always has beautiful salt cod on offer, either as fillets or “miettes” which  means small odds and

Brandade for lunch Read More »

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Brandade de morue was one of the all-time favorite dishes at Le Pichet and Cafe Presse. Whenever it was not on the menu, guests would be asking when it was coming back.  Our local fish shop, Poissonerie Otano, always has beautiful salt cod on offer, either as fillets or “miettes” which  means small odds and

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What a beauty!

I couldn’t resist a photo of this beautiful mid-winter oyster from the coast near Arcachon.  Now is the time for oysters, when they are sweet and firm and full fleshed.  Yum! PS  I know that the “month with an r” rule has fallen out of favor recently, but I still think treating oysters as a

What a beauty! Read More »

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I couldn’t resist a photo of this beautiful mid-winter oyster from the coast near Arcachon.  Now is the time for oysters, when they are sweet and firm and full fleshed.  Yum! PS  I know that the “month with an r” rule has fallen out of favor recently, but I still think treating oysters as a

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