Author name: Jim

Whole Wheat Seed Bread made with Sour Starter

This recipe yields a dense, chewy bread that is great toasted.  Since it is a heavy dough, plan on long, slow fermentation and consequently, long raising times.

Whole Wheat Seed Bread made with Sour Starter Read More »

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This recipe yields a dense, chewy bread that is great toasted.  Since it is a heavy dough, plan on long, slow fermentation and consequently, long raising times.

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Franks Produce reopens in the Pike Place Market

Frank’s Quality Produce re-0pened on June 15, 2011 after a winter and spring long  closure that was required so that  earthquake retrofits  could be made in Seattle’s Pike Place Market.  Frank’s Quality Produce is a longtime market resident, with members of the family having sold produce at Pike Place for four generations.  Their stand, in

Franks Produce reopens in the Pike Place Market Read More »

Frank’s Quality Produce re-0pened on June 15, 2011 after a winter and spring long  closure that was required so that  earthquake retrofits  could be made in Seattle’s Pike Place Market.  Frank’s Quality Produce is a longtime market resident, with members of the family having sold produce at Pike Place for four generations.  Their stand, in

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Seattle’s Farmers Markets – May and June 2011

If you have been frequenting the Farmers Markets in Seattle all winter long, congratulations.  I try to make it to at least one market each week, just to keep abreast of the produce that is available, but during the winter it can be a lonely vigil.  After the first of January, the crowds thin down

Seattle’s Farmers Markets – May and June 2011 Read More »

If you have been frequenting the Farmers Markets in Seattle all winter long, congratulations.  I try to make it to at least one market each week, just to keep abreast of the produce that is available, but during the winter it can be a lonely vigil.  After the first of January, the crowds thin down

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Sunset Supper 2011 to support the Market Foundation

What:    Sunset Supper in the Market 2011. When:   Friday August 19th, 7:30 to 11pm Where:  The Pike Place Market For more information and tickets, check out the Pike Place Market website.

Sunset Supper 2011 to support the Market Foundation Read More »

What:    Sunset Supper in the Market 2011. When:   Friday August 19th, 7:30 to 11pm Where:  The Pike Place Market For more information and tickets, check out the Pike Place Market website.

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Sour Starter from Rye Flour

This is a an easy recipe for making a sour bread starter using rye flour, which is bases on a recipe in the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.  A total of seven days are required for the starter to be ready to use in a batch of bread.

Sour Starter from Rye Flour Read More »

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This is a an easy recipe for making a sour bread starter using rye flour, which is bases on a recipe in the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.  A total of seven days are required for the starter to be ready to use in a batch of bread.

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Get ready for Bastille Day

What:  “Fete de Quatorze Juillet” – Celebrate Bastille Day When:  Thursday July 14, 2011 from 6pm to midnight. Where:  Le Pichet NO COVER NO RESERVATIONS If you have never been to a Bastille Day party at Le Pichet, you may be surprised by what you find.  Normally, Le Pichet seems like a pretty tranquil, well

Get ready for Bastille Day Read More »

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What:  “Fete de Quatorze Juillet” – Celebrate Bastille Day When:  Thursday July 14, 2011 from 6pm to midnight. Where:  Le Pichet NO COVER NO RESERVATIONS If you have never been to a Bastille Day party at Le Pichet, you may be surprised by what you find.  Normally, Le Pichet seems like a pretty tranquil, well

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Pike Place Market Cooking Demonstration on June 26, 2011

What:      Cooking Demonstration with Exective Chef Jim Drohman When:     Sunday June 26, 2011 from noon to 1pm Where:   Pike Place Market For more information about Summer Sunday Cooking Demonstrations, check out the Pike Place Market’s web site.

Pike Place Market Cooking Demonstration on June 26, 2011 Read More »

What:      Cooking Demonstration with Exective Chef Jim Drohman When:     Sunday June 26, 2011 from noon to 1pm Where:   Pike Place Market For more information about Summer Sunday Cooking Demonstrations, check out the Pike Place Market’s web site.

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How do you make sour starter anyway?

Haven’t you always wondered how to make a sour bread starter?  Are they hard to make?  Can you keep them for a long time?  What does a sour starter actually look like?  Although I have a fair amount of experience with baking bread, I had never tackled this particular aspect of bread making and therefore

How do you make sour starter anyway? Read More »

Haven’t you always wondered how to make a sour bread starter?  Are they hard to make?  Can you keep them for a long time?  What does a sour starter actually look like?  Although I have a fair amount of experience with baking bread, I had never tackled this particular aspect of bread making and therefore

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Cheese Label from Maison Jean d’Alos of Bordeaux

Here is a new cheese label that recently turned up at Le Pichet.  It is a great example of the odd, esoteric sorts of designs you often find on French cheeses.  This one comes from Jean d’Alos, Fromager and Affineur of Bordeaux.  A “fromager” is of course a cheese seller or shop and the addition

Cheese Label from Maison Jean d’Alos of Bordeaux Read More »

Here is a new cheese label that recently turned up at Le Pichet.  It is a great example of the odd, esoteric sorts of designs you often find on French cheeses.  This one comes from Jean d’Alos, Fromager and Affineur of Bordeaux.  A “fromager” is of course a cheese seller or shop and the addition

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Animal Farm without the Orwell

It seems that the use of draft animals to replace motorized farm machinery is on the rise on farms around America.  This rise is well documented in a recent New York Times article written by Tess Taylor. I first read about the return of draft animals to the farm in Europe where the popularity of

Animal Farm without the Orwell Read More »

It seems that the use of draft animals to replace motorized farm machinery is on the rise on farms around America.  This rise is well documented in a recent New York Times article written by Tess Taylor. I first read about the return of draft animals to the farm in Europe where the popularity of

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