Get ready for Bastille Day

What:  “Fete de Quatorze Juillet” – Celebrate Bastille Day
When:  Thursday July 14, 2011 from 6pm to midnight.
Where:  Le Pichet

If you have never been to a Bastille Day party at Le Pichet, you may be surprised by what you find.  Normally, Le Pichet seems like a pretty tranquil, well run little restaurant (at least I hope it does).  It is the sort of place where you can chat with friends over dinner, read a book in the afternoon or sit with your newspaper, croissant and a cafe creme in the morning.   But on the evening of July 14th each year, it’s a whole other story.

Every July 14, we celebrate Bastille Day with a Cafe-style party that really blows the doors off.  We take out most of the chairs and tables, roll in wine barrels for party-goers to stand around and fire up the live music.  The regular menu is out and in its place is a menu of Paris street food, made to be eaten while standing.  Happily, every year the room is packed to bursting and the party unfolds in a true “ambiance de fou”.  It is not like any other night of the year at Le Pichet, except maybe for our Fete de Beaujolais Nouveau, which comes around the third Thursday of November every year.

This year, music will be provided by Le Quartet from 7 to 9pm and local Gypsy Jazz heroes The Djangomatics from 10pm to midnight.  As of this writing, the menu for that evening is still in development, but last year’s menu included pommes frites, falafel and crepes.  You get the picture.

As usual, there is no cover charge and we don’t accept reservations (how do you take a reservation for a wine barrel?) but there is always room for a few more to squeeze in.  I hope to see you there.

For more information, please call Le Pichet at 206 256-1499.


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