Pike Place Market Cooking Demonstration on June 26, 2011

What:      Cooking Demonstration with Exective Chef Jim Drohman
When:     Sunday June 26, 2011 from noon to 1pm
Where:   Pike Place Market
For more information about Summer Sunday Cooking Demonstrations, check out the Pike Place Market’s web site.

If you haven’t made it to the Pike Place Market on a Sunday afternoon in the summer recently, it is worth checking out.  From June to September every Sundays, most of Pike Place as it passes through the Market is closed to traffic and for one day, cars are replaced by organic farm stalls.  It gives an idea of how great it would be if the Market were closed to cars everyday (are you listening Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority?).

Also taking place on Sundays during the summer are Summer Sundays Chef Demonstrations in the Pike Place Market, a series of cooking demonstrations by local chefs (and yes, the name is very self explanatory).  On Sunday June 26, if you come by between noon and 1pm, you can catch my cooking demonstration.  I don’t know what I will be cooking yet, but I will definitely be using fresh produce from the farm stands and I will be offering tastes to all in attendance.

I have been taking part in Summer Sundays at Pike Place for a lot of years now and I always find it a great way to meet and talk with people about food.  I know, I know, you are thinking “But I hate going to the Market in the summer…it is filled with tourists and it takes forever to get my shopping done”.  True enough, but I think it is important for locals to use the Market all year round to avoid that it becomes exclusively the domain of tourists.  Despite its success as a tourist destination, the Pike Place Market continues to be a fantastic resource for people who love to shop, cook and eat.  You just have to learn to zig and zag around the tourists.


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