At the Broadway Farmer’s Market today we, found some really beautiful organic Charentais-style melons, so fragrant that, even uncut, their aroma fills the kitchen. The Charentais is the famous melon of Provence in SE France, know for its wonderful, sun drenched flavor and firm texture. The good people at Tonnemaker Farms specified that these can’t actually be called Charentais, as they are not the exact same species but a hybrid that stands up better to the cool PNW nights.
The melons I purchased for Café Presse are currently ripening in a warm corner of the kitchen but should be ready to serve Tuesday or Wednesday, watch our facebook page for a heads up when we are offering it as a daily special. I am planning something simple to feature the pure summer flavor of the melon:
Sliced Charentais melon sprinkled with lime juice and piment d’Espelette, served with sliced jambon de Bayonne