In case you didn’t get the memo, there are some changes coming to the University District and Broadway Farmer’s Markets.
The University District market will be leaving its location at just south of the University Heights Community Center, its location since 1993, to make way for a new city park. Instead, from 9am to 2pm, every Saturday of the year, all year long, University Way NE, popularly known as The Ave, between 50th and 52nd streets will close to become the market’s new home. That’s right, they are moving into the street. Here are full details from the Neighborhood Farmer’s Market Alliance.
I have always considered the U-District the best market in Seattle, and am hopeful that the move will be a positive step in its long term development.
At the same time, the Broadway Farmer’s Market, which formerly was open from 11am to 3pm on Sundays between May and early December, has recently announced that it will now be open all year round. Although frequented by a smaller number of venders than the U-District market, the convenience of the Broadway Market’s location at the corner of Broadway and Pine makes it an important destination. News of the year round dates is a very welcome change (especially when we run out of something at Cafe Presse on a Sunday, as happened last week).