Vinegar with Summer Herbs

Here is a useful recipe for using extra Summer herbs when they are plentiful and cheap.  This recipe is based on one found in the book The Unprejudiced Palette by Angelo Pellegrini (which is a colorful read, by the way).  It is very easy and economical to make and the final product adds a burst of Summer flavor to salads throughout the year.

This recipe is intentionally lacking in specific quantities so that you can adjust to the amount of herbs you have on hand.  Similarly, other mixes of herbs and spices will be successful as well. Use this vinegar in vinaigrettes, sauce Bearnaise or Beurre Blanc.



Vinegar with summer herbs


  • White wine vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Red flaked chili
  • Soft herbs – basil, parsley, tarragon, mint, etc, washed


1: Pack the washed herbs tightly into a quart jar. Add the garlic, peeled and germ removed.  Add the chili flake

2:  Cover with white vinegar to fill the jar.  Seal tightly. Leave for 3 weeks, shaking every 2-3 days.

3: Strain, add enough white vinegar to make 1.5 quarts. Will hold several months stored in a cool place.

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