O Panier Local celebrates its first anniversary

O Panier Local is an organic local farmer’s co-op here on Orthez, which opened in September 2022.  The people who run it describe the store as “Associatif, Non-lucratif, Participatif”, meaning it was conceived and founded by a charitable association, it is non-profit and everyone is encouraged to participate in the life of the store. That includes the local farmers and food artisans featured, many of whom are members of the store association, clients and pretty much anyone interested in eating well and local.  O Panier Local is also a social space, that features workshops, classes, meet-the-farmer events, cooking demonstrations and more several times a month.

Next Saturday, the store will celebrate its one year anniversary with a big, all day party. If you happen to be near Orthez, please be sure to stop by!

As I have been working as a volunteer at O Panier Local a few hours a week since spring 2023, I will be helping out with the food at the birthday party, part of the team of volunteers who will prepare a lunchtime meal and buvette.  It will be the first time I have prepared food for the public in more than a year, and I am a little nervous!

Curious about the menu?  Check out this video on the facebook page of O Panier Local…but who it that guy trying to speak French?

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